Not One

 When the House of Representatives passed the American Rescue Plan on March 11, 2021, putting it on the desk of President Joseph Biden for his signature, it had been debated and amended several times. It first passed the House on February 27, 2021, on a near party-line vote of 219 to 212. That was 219 Democratic representatives versus 210 Republican and 2 Democratic representatives. Not One Republican in the House voted for passage. It then went to the Senate and on March 6, 2021, it was amended and approved by the Senate on a party-line vote of 50 to 49; one Republican Senator, Dan Sullivan of Alaska was absent. Not One Republican in the Senate voted for passage.

   Individuals are already receiving their stimulus funds: those who have shared banking information with the IRS. Others will be receiving their funds by mail or debit cards in the very near future. One can go online and find out when at to find out your status.

   As everyone spends their stimulus money, whether it is repairing what has broken, replacing what cannot be fixed, assisting their children, paying their debts or donating to those less fortunate, remember this: Not One Republican wanted any of those things for you or your family.

   Not One Republican wanted your cities or counties or states to have any assistance to climb out of the hole of isolation, job loss, taxes not paid and lives not lived.

   Not One.


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